
All titles offered as workshops, courses, and keynotes.

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  • Great stories only happen to people who can tell them. This workshop teaches the art and science of storytelling, through interactive exercises, brief lectures, and case studies of master communicators in business, politics, film, literature, and advertising. Harvard Professor Howard Gardner calls stories “the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.” Participants will hone their weapons with . . .

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  • Storytelling is an essential skill at all levels of government. This seminar teaches the art and science of storytelling, with interactive exercises, brief lectures, and examples that will be useful across many situations, including gaining support and legitimacy for projects, writing reports and proposals, engaging stakeholders, explaining ideas and initiatives, and preparing briefing notes and public outreach materials. You’ll leave with specific tips and tricks on how to break out of . . .

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  • Storytelling is at the heart of building and maintaining a leader’s skillset. Stories make your messages more memorable, contagious, and inspirational, and can help advance your career at every stage in your professional life. Although it can be easy for a leader to learn how to tell stories—answering technical questions about structure or detail—the first and most important question to answer is . . .

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  • Storytelling is a powerful tool for IR professionals to build strong, trusting relationships with investors. In this course, you’ll learn how to create intriguing, authentic stories with strategic messages that provide inspiration and direction . . .

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  • Everyone knows that facts alone don’t change our minds. This course teaches you how to find the story in your statistics—and how to tell it in ways that make people care. Whether you’re trying to create impactful communications products, or just want to be more persuasive and make your numbers come to life, you’ll learn useful approaches to put into practice right away. We’ll cover . . .

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  • Storytelling can be a powerful strategic tool for organizations. Businesses, not-for-profits, governments and social enterprises with strong stories have shown to be more efficient, and their employees happier, healthier and more loyal. Tap into your organization’s origins, mission and values, and personal stories of employees and management, to explore the building blocks of compelling stories, and how they are applied and communicated in organizational settings . . .

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  • Great stories are made of great sentences. This workshop uses interactive exercises, brief lectures, and many inspiring examples to show you how structure, rhythm, and diction can transform bland stories into memorable ones. You’ll see how even subtle shifts in syntax can change the emotional arc of your story, whether you’re drafting a . . .

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  • Humans are wired for story. Stories help us make sense of the world, and we remember them better than we do facts and data. If you’ve ever been captivated by a great story, and wondered how you might tell one yourself, this course is for you. Through a variety of engaging and practical exercises, learn how to write effective stories that capture the hearts of any audience. Topics include the art and science of storytelling, structures to help make your stories flow, as well as tips and tricks for . . .

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  • Do you want to get more from your posts? Are you looking for ways to make your organization’s messages stand out? Would your job be better—more impactful, more fulfilling—if you could get people to care more about what you were trying to say? In this course, you’ll learn how to make your social media more exciting, dynamic, and shareable with tools used by . . .

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  • How can AI help you tell a story? This workshop explores how ChatGPT can help you write better stories and improve communications within your team. You’ll learn where AI works (and where it doesn’t) . . .

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  • Great storytellers have an unfair advantage. They are better leaders and more effective professionals. Their organizations have stronger reputations, attract elite talent, and create a healthier, more cohesive culture. In this class, you’ll learn the tools to improve your storytelling from good to great, giving you—and your organization—a competitive edge. You’ll craft . . .

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  • When telling “green” stories, you have a choice. You can say, “According to the IPCC’s sixth assessment report predictions for scenarios with either unabated emissions rise or immediate climate action, the world will be 4.4°C hotter than preindustrial levels by the end of this century, causing catastrophic sea-level rise . . .” Or you can tell the story of Timothy, who lives with his grandchildren in the tiny Walande Island, part of the Solomon Islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea. In the past 20 years, every home on Walande has been abandoned—except Timothy’s . . .

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  • Stories build value. The best ones make it easier for buyers to remember you, your ideas, and your product or service. They’re more fun for you to tell—and for your customers to hear. Stories transform your communications in a way that resonates on the page, in a call, or across a boardroom table . . .

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  • When you need to reach busy people, every word counts. In this workshop, you’ll round out your communications toolkit with a proven approach that eliminates all but the most essential information . . .

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  • Storytelling in Plain Language isn’t just about “writing simple stories”—it’s a way of organizing and structuring written thought that saves time and money. Plain Language contributes to excellent customer service and makes life easier for employees. Documents written in Plain Language are easier to understand and require fewer resources to explain and revise. People make fewer errors . . .

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  • Each of us can name the teacher who taught us the most. We can think back to one or two key moments which, for one reason or another, triggered a profound and durable change in the way we see the world. The story of this learning moment involves an educator as the main character, but it also happens in a specific place. A chain of events, beginning with a school’s inception . . .

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